SNP/Labour Dump on Stirling

Labour and SNP councillors pushed through, against strong objections from the Conservative group, a new booking system for the rubbish dumps at Fallin, Callander and Balfron.

This will mean that if you turn up at the dump without a booking you will be turned away and told to go home and book a slot online. Five councils in scotland have similar systems while 15 councils have systems that were proposed by the Conservatives that would have meant that only those with vans and trailers would have to book.

There was a lot of debate about this in Council. We're seeking your opinion to find what local residents think of their access to local dumps.

What do you think about the Rubbish Dumps?

Rubbish Dumps Stirling

  • Current Polmaise dump
  • Balfron and Callander dumps
  • Your details
Do you support a booking system for all visits to Polmaise dump?
How often do you use the Rubbish Dump at Polmaise?
How do you rate the services at Polmaise?
Have you ever experienced queuing at Polmaise (not including during the pandemic)?